2020年4月13日 星期一

好文分享 - 關於星巴克


成立於 1971年 ,



好文分享 - 關於星巴克




Starbucks serves over 25 million customers a week in 15,000 stores in 44 countries around the world.And this figure is increasing rapidly. So how did a company currently worth $5 billion get started? 


Starbucks Coffee, Tea, and Spice, as it was originally known, roasted its first coffee beans in 1971. This tiny coffee house in Seattle, named after a character in the novel Moby Dick, was the vision of three men—Baldwin, Siegel, and Bowker—who cared passionately about fine coffee and tea.Their determination to provide the best quality coffee helped their business to succeed.A decade later, their fourth store in Seattle opened. 


Meanwhile, in New York, Howard Schultz, a businessman specializing in kitchen equipment, noticed that a small company in Seattle was ordering a large number of a special type of coffeemaker. He made the cross-country trip to Seattle out of curiosity to find out more.As soon as he saw the Starbucks store, he knew that he wanted to be a part of it. The three founding members weren't initially very eager, but a persistent Schultz was eventually hired to be the head of Starbucks marketing in 1982.He modeled the Starbucks stores on Italian espresso bars and made them comfortable places to relax.Within the next ten years, Schultz had already opened 150 new stores and had bought the company! There are now stores all over Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Today Starbucks is one of the world’s most recognized brands.

同時,在紐約,專門從事廚房設備的商人霍華德·舒爾茨(Howard Schultz)注意到,西雅圖的一家小公司訂購了大量的特殊型號的咖啡機。出於好奇,他經過長途旅行前往西雅圖去了解更多信息。看到星巴克商店,他就知道自己想成為其中的一員。這三位創始人最初並不急於求成,但直到1982年,才聘請舒爾茨擔任星巴克營銷主管。 他以意大利的意式濃縮咖啡吧做為星巴克商店模型,並為客人提供舒適的休閒場所。在接下來的十年間,舒爾茨已經開了150家新店,併購買了該公司!現在星巴克在歐洲,亞洲和中東都有分店。如今,星巴克已成為全球知名度最高的品牌之一。





figure             數字(n)
roast               烘烤(v)
rapidly           迅速地(adv)
decade           十年(n)
Meanwhile    與此同時(adv)
specializing in   專精於
be a part of        成為...的一部分
eager             急切(adj)
eventually     終於(adv)
all over          遍布(adv)
